Re-releases of popular Bollywood movies have been attracting diverse and affluent cine-goers to the theatres by the droves, ...
Enter Proposition 5, which was placed on the ballot by order of the California Legislature. Sponsored by the state firefighter union and the state building trades association, the measure asks ...
Matthew Ritchie discusses his work’s relation to scientific processes, as well as the participatory nature of his 2003 project Proposition Player. ART21: What sorts of science journals do you read?
An overarching company proposition is the most common. What is a value proposition canvas? A value proposition canvas is a visual framework that companies can use to ensure that a product or service ...
The goal of Proposition 33 is to repeal that law and allow cities to enact tougher forms of rent control. Official title on the ballot: Proposition 33 — Expands Local Governments’ Authority to ...
Prop. 5 would lower that threshold to 55%. Official title on the ballot: Proposition 5 — Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval. Legislative ...
Proposition 36 would reclassify some misdemeanor theft and drug crimes as felonies. The measure would also create a new category of crime — a “treatment-mandated felony.” People who don’t contest the ...
Find information about Proposition A below, in both English and Spanish, as part of the KC Voter Guide. Abajo encontrarás información sobre la Propuesta A, en inglés y español, como parte de ...