Sometimes you stumble across a line in a book and think, “Yeah, that’s exactly how that feels.” I had that moment reading the ...
A review of The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics, by David Goodhart. The military-amnesty ENLIST bill is bad policy. Nationalism and patriotism are inextricably ...
That’s no surprise to anybody who follows politics, but now ...
Despite being known as a pioneering member of the British pop art movement, Boshier saw himself more as a ‘populist artist’.
Interview with Joe Wright about the making of his first Italian TV series 'M. Son of the Century' about Benito Mussolini.
And second, my own Democratic Party’s programs have failed to solve the pressing problems that have contributed to a populist uprising. Surely there have been advances that the Democratic Party ...
porous borders and other provocations that were due an electoral revolt? “Both”, no doubt: it takes a remarkable individual to capitalise on structural trends. The breakthrough of populism in ...