Democracy is still understood as the rule of the people with elections as its central canon, but the wider conversation is ...
Populist politicians such as those of the German AfD pose a threat to democracy. FNV chairman Tuur Elzinga stated this on ...
In India, Narendra Modi failed in his quest for a parliamentary super-majority because he didn't address the country's deeper ...
President Kais Saied's near-certain—and certainly illegitimate—reelection in the Oct. 6 election is a sad reminder of the ...
Populism isn’t just an annoyance. It’s dangerous. It distorts public anger and channels it away from the very systems of accountability that democracy relies on. Even our judiciary ...
But liberals’ fears that this year would reflect the global triumph of illiberal populism have so far been proved wrong. Although authoritarian ideologies have made clear gains in several countries, ...
The populist radical right (PRR) has not just flirted with mainstream politics— but is starting to firmly plant its roots, according to a new study ...
Age of Revolutions—takes a deep look at what ails liberal democracies and offers some possible solutions ...