Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it to electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells like the one illustrated above. Such cells, which can power everything from calculators to cars (our ...
I N THEir QUEST to build a better battery, researchers have blazed a trail through the elements of the periodic table. The ...
In recent weeks, a solution has resurfaced in the mobility news: hydrogen. In addition to the discovery of deposits, several ...
Explore how electric eels generate electricity to hunt and survive, and the science behind their shocking power.
We look at the chemistry of water-emitting fuel-cell electric cars (FCEVs) and how the tech might save motoring as we know it ...
At the heart of a perovskite solar cell is the absorption layer. This consists of a material with a crystal structure that absorbs sunlight and partially converts it into a stream of electrical ...
A major advantage of this design is that it uses no platinum which is one of the major cost drivers in fuel cell construction. The initial prototypes are generating enough electricity to power ...
A couple months ago Slashdot ran an article asking where the future of automobiles was going: Fuel Cell or Battery Electric Vehicles. Mercedes, BMW, Mitsubishi, Renault / Nissan and of course ...
Electricity is a type of energy that we use every day. Televisions, ovens and lights in your home all use electricity. Some electricity is made using methods that harm the planet. But we can help ...
Anyone who has ever pet a cat or shuffled their feet across the carpet knows that rubbing objects together generates static ...
Electrical engineering is the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. In simple terms, it is about understanding how electricity works in order to use the knowledge ...
Sickle cell trait (SCT) differs vastly from sickle cell disease. SCT is a genetic condition when someone inherits one sickle ...